What Happens When You Don't Adjust Your Braces?

young woman wearing glasses sits in the dentist chair to get her braces adjusted

When you wear braces or opt to start the orthodontic treatment, you’re not only committing to the device on your teeth, but you are also committing to the maintenance. For braces, this includes keeping up with the appointments our orthodontist schedules for adjustments. If you miss an adjustment, it’s not the end of progress, but it could cause some impact.

Why Do I Need My Braces Adjusted?

Braces straighten crooked teeth and help align your teeth, jaw, and smile! They are the most tried and traditional way of moving misaligned teeth into their proper position. The brackets and wires put pressure on your teeth, which causes them to move through treatment. 

The pressure from the wires eventually diminishes as the teeth have moved into their new location. Due to this diminishing effect or halted pressure, appointments for adjusting your braces are necessary. 

Adjustment Appointments

Your recurring orthodontic appointments will vary on your treatment length and progress. We may not always adjust your braces at every appointment, but it is still important for you to show up so we can evaluate your progress and determine if treatment is on track.

If you miss an appointment to adjust your braces, then we encourage you to make it a priority to reschedule. If you wait too long, your treatment may lengthen or need re-evaluation. One appointment will likely do little to no damage, but if you delay adjusting braces, you may not obtain the results you were hoping for.  

Tips for After Adjusting Your Braces

We know some patients avoid adjusting their braces because they are afraid of discomfort. We have three tips to make adjusting braces easier to get through.

  1. Stick to a soft or liquid diet for the next 24 hours.

  2. Stay away from hard or sticky foods.

  3. Don’t press hard while brushing or flossing.

Braces & Orthodontic Treatment in Arkansas

Are you interested in getting braces? At Stroope Orthodontics, we have answers to many similar questions you may have. Just give us a call to learn more!