Can I Get Braces as an Adult?

couple smile showing off their clear and metal braces

Do you want a straighter smile? Modern orthodontic treatment is more effective than ever. Braces can close gaps, fix overbites and underbites, and give you the smile you’ve always wanted. Many teenagers wear braces, but can you get them as an adult? What are your options? 

Braces: Any Patient Can Get Them 

Braces are often recommended for kids and teenagers with crooked teeth and misalignment. The jaw is still developing during these years, so there are more orthodontic options. That said, adults can get braces, too! Depending on your needs, treatment can take between six months and 2+ years. 

Traditional Metal Braces 

Traditional braces are an affordable, effective solution for gaps, crowding, underbites, and overbites.  They’re much more comfortable than in the past thanks to modern materials and techniques. For more severe misalignment, metal braces still provide the best results. 

Clear Braces 

Adults often feel self-conscious about metal braces, so clear braces are a great option! We use 3M Clarity ADVANCED braces, which are made from translucent, stain-resistant ceramic brackets. If you want a little color, we can add color bands of your choosing. Clear braces work just like metal braces, but they're much more subtle. 

Will My Braces Hurt? 

After getting your braces placed and after tightening, tenderness and soreness are normal for a few days. Over-the-counter pain medication, warm salt water rinses, dental wax, and cold foods can help. You shouldn’t feel pain, so please contact us if you’re concerned. 

Braces for Adults at Stroope Orthodontics in Springdale & Farmington, AR 

Dr. Stroope often works with adults wanting straighter smiles! Many insurance plans offer partial coverage. We also have in-house financing and are committed to affordable braces for all patients. If you have questions about adult braces or want to schedule a consultation, please contact our office today!