About Post-Braces Strain After Treatment


Orthodontic treatment is designed to correct bite and alignment issues to give you a healthier, stronger smile. While it’s important to schedule regular check-ins with your orthodontist to make sure your treatment is moving along nicely, you might experience post-braces strain or soreness after a treatment. Below, we’ve put together a blog post on how you can combat post-braces strain and feel comfortable throughout your treatment.

What Is Post-Braces Strain?

Post-braces strain is an uncomfortable sensation after orthodontic treatment. The general feeling of post-braces strain is that of tightness around your teeth. Some patients feel soreness in their jaws, while others may feel abrasion from brackets and wires inside of their cheeks. 

How Long Does Post-Braces Strain Last?

Post-braces strain typically lasts for 2-3 days after you’ve had a treatment. When you first get your braces, it can take a few weeks to adjust to the feeling of having them on, so don’t be surprised if it takes about a month to feel acclimated to the sensation. When you first get your braces tightened, you might be in pain for a few days afterwards. The good news is that you’ll get more and more used to the feeling with each subsequent tightening, and the pain won’t be as severe as time goes on. 

How to Alleviate Post-Braces Strain

There are a few ways you can make the pain of post-braces strain more bearable, including:

  • Eating soft foods and drinking lots of liquids after treatment, like soup, mashed potatoes, Jell-O, and pudding

  • Taking advantage of braces wax, especially if you have painful brackets and wires that feel like they’re poking your mouth

  • Taking mild, over-the-counter pain medication if you feel soreness or a headache (make sure you’re not allergic to the ingredients!)

  • Avoid picking at or adjusting your braces yourself. If you feel that something is off, call your orthodontist right away!

  • Massaging your cheeks and jaw to relieve tension

If you’re going through post-braces strain, just know that it’ll always pass eventually — and if it persists beyond a few days, give your orthodontist a call. 

Affordable Orthodontic Treatment in Farmington & Springdale, Arkansas

If you’re dealing with crooked teeth, bite issues, or alignment issues, it’s probably time you consider orthodontic treatment for your smile. Stroope Orthodontics proudly serves patients of all ages in the greater Farmington and Springdale areas and tailors treatment plans for your specific needs and budget. Contact us to schedule a consultation!