The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

three young girls smile before going to the orthodontist

Did you know the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children see an orthodontist by age seven? Around the age of seven, kids have a mix of baby and adult teeth, which is enough for an orthodontist to evaluate. Sometimes an evaluation may lead to early orthodontic treatment, which has several benefits, including the five below!

  1. Encourages Healthy Jaw Growth

Early orthodontic treatment can influence more than the appearance of teeth. It can also influence the development of the jaw. During childhood, the jaw isn’t fully developed yet. Early treatment allows the jaw and teeth to move easier and contributes to healthy jaw growth.

2. Convenience

Wearing braces or other orthodontic appliances requires frequent appointments to guide progress. As an adult, these appointments and the appearance of braces could get in the way of daily life. Early orthodontic treatment as a child allows full focus to be on caring for the teeth!

3. Prevents Speech Issues

Did you know that some speech issues like lisps are caused by teeth alignment? When teeth are in the right position, pronunciation becomes easier and can correct word-slurred speech. This can also help a child feel more confident!

4. Reduces Risk of Tooth Decay & Gum Disease

Crowded or misaligned teeth can be a culprit of oral health issues. Most of the time, this is due to improper cleaning caused by hard-to-reach areas or discomfort. Early orthodontic treatment can help prevent the risk of tooth decay and gum disease as teeth start to align and cleaning becomes easier.

5. Time for Correction

Starting orthodontic treatment early also leaves more time for treatment. For example, sometimes individuals seek orthodontic treatment when they know they have a big event coming up, but that isn’t always best. Addressing orthodontic issues early leaves room for unexpected events and allows easier adjustment.

Start Orthodontic Treatment in Arkansas

Are you interested in early orthodontic treatment? Are you thinking of orthodontic treatment for yourself? Give Stroope Orthodontics a call to schedule your consultation for orthodontics in Farmington or Springdale, Arkansas, today!