Who Is a Good Candidate for Invisalign?


Invisalign® is a revolutionary treatment that has straightened the smiles of countless patients. But is it a solution for you? Read on to figure out whether or not Invisalign is the right fit for your needs! 

Severity of Misalignment

One factor that will influence whether or not you decide to go with Invisalign therapy is the extent of the misalignment you want to be fixed. Invisalign can do wonders for your smile if you have mild to moderate misalignment, but it’s not the best choice to address severe alignment issues. At your consultation, we’ll do a comprehensive examination of your smile and help you decide on the most effective course of treatment. 


While traditional braces are usually more popular with kids and teens, adults gravitate towards more discreet orthodontic options like Invisalign because the aligners are smooth, comfortable, and barely noticeable. But some teenagers are good candidates for clear aligner therapy if they are responsible. No matter your age, Invisalign is not the right option if you can’t commit to wearing the trays for at least 20-22 hours a day.

Another factor is whether or not you can properly care for your trays. Invisalign is not terribly complicated for the wearer. However, you do need to commit to certain adjustments in your oral hygiene, such as brushing your teeth after meals, rinsing your aligners when removing and replacing them, and cleaning your aligners by regularly soaking them. Proper care is critical or you’ll risk derailing the course of your treatment and even developing tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease.

Invisalign in Springdale & Farmington, AR

Ready to get started on the road to a straighter smile? Here at Stroope Orthodontics, we offer Invisalign treatment, along with other great options should we decide Invisalign isn’t the one for you. Contact us to learn more about the treatments available at our practice or to request a consultation.