What You Should Know Before Getting Invisalign

clear aligner pair for straightening teeth

If you’ve always wished you could have a straighter smile, Invisalign might be just the thing to get you there. This orthodontic treatment consists of wearing a series of custom-made, clear, plastic aligners until your teeth are shifted into their perfect positions. Sounds great, right? No dealing with the brackets and wires of braces, and you still get your dream smile in the end! Even if that’s the case, there are still some important things you should know before getting Invisalign treatment:

The 22-Hour Rule

Part of the reason you may want Invisalign is because you’re excited that you can fully remove the aligners, something that’s not possible with braces. The caveat here is that even if you can take them in and out freely doesn’t mean you should get loose with it. Your Invisalign treatment being completed in time requires that you wear your aligners for at least 22 hours a day. Yes, that’s most of the day! You should only be taking them out to eat and to brush your teeth.

Some Invisalign Patients Require Attachments

Each patient case is unique, which means that your aligners aren’t going to look like someone else’s aligners. In some Invisalign cases, small attachments, also called bumps or buttons, are needed to help the teeth move in the right direction. These attachments are tooth-colored material that we bond to your teeth, and they’re easy to remove when they’re no longer needed. Don’t worry, they’re still designed to be discreet, but it’s important to know that you may need them so you’re not surprised!

Invisalign at Stroope Orthodontics

If all of that still sounds good to you, contact Stroope Orthodontics to set up your Invisalign consultation. We’ve helped many people in our community achieve the picture-perfect smiles they’ve always wanted, and we’d love to do the same for you. Our practice has two locations, one in Farmington and one in Springdale, and our teams would be happy to welcome you at either.