Is It Normal for My Retainer to Hurt?

young boy gets fitted for a retainer at the orthodontist office

After enduring orthodontic treatment for several months or years, you may be over having to wear another orthodontic appliance. However, without your retainer, the beautiful results that took time to achieve may be at risk. Wearing your retainer for the recommended time intervals is the best way to ensure your retainer doesn’t hurt your teeth.

Why You Need to Wear a Retainer

It’s exciting to see the result of orthodontic treatment. Unfortunately, once braces or aligners are removed, teeth can still shift. A retainer helps prevent this natural shift from occurring and saves you from additional orthodontic treatment later down the road.

When You Should Wear a Retainer

Dr. Stroope and our team will direct you on when you should wear your retainer. If you have just completed treatment, you can at least expect to wear it often during the day and night. Though, there are some cases where retainers are only needed for the night.

What to Expect When Wearing a Retainer

In many cases, it’s normal for a new retainer to feel tight and uncomfortable. The removable oral appliance can take a while to get used to but tends to resolve itself after a period of adjustment. If you continue to wear your retainer as prescribed, you won’t even realize it!

Sometimes the tightness may cause pain that can hurt. This is especially true if you don’t wear your retainer often and your teeth have shifted. If your retainer hurts and you’re well beyond the time frame for it to subside, we encourage you to reach out to Dr. Stroope. 

It may be possible for the retainer to have warped or your teeth to have shifted. Soft foods are a great way to manage tenderness until your appointment date. 

Learn More From Our Orthodontist in Arkansas

At Stroope Orthodontics, we know that getting used to braces or retainer treatment can take some time. We also know it's common to have many questions. Dr. Stroope and our team are here to help as much as possible. Get in touch with us to learn more about orthodontics!