Why It's Worth Seeing an Orthodontic Specialist

Young woman consults with an orthodontic specialist about care options

Orthodontic specialists are dentists who specialize in issues affecting the teeth and jaw. If you have questions or problems with your teeth alignment or bite, an orthodontist is the best person to visit. Why is it worth seeing someone who specializes in smile alignment? Here are three main reasons:

They Have More Education & Training 

After training in general dentistry, orthodontists get a few more years of specialized education. All orthodontists must be licensed, but board certification is voluntary. Our office is proudly board certified! That means Dr. Stroope has been tested by an expert panel and proven her knowledge, judgment, and clinical skills. She’s a member of the American Association of Orthodontics, American Dental Association, Southwest Society of Orthodontics, and American Board of Orthodontics.

They Can Catch Problems Early 

Thanks to their training and specialized tools like 3D scanning, intraoral photography, and low-dose radiation digital X-rays, orthodontic specialists can notice problems even beneath the gums. When alignment problems are caught early, treatment can begin right away, which helps a patient avoid more complicated and expensive orthodontics later on.

They Offer More Treatments 

General dentists are often able to put on braces, but a specialist can offer more options like Invisalign, accelerated orthodontics, and retainers. When kids (or adults) come to visit us, we provide customized treatment plans that address specific issues. Under a specialist’s care, you can be confident you’re getting the best treatment possible.

Visit Stroope Orthodontics for Specialized Orthodontic Care in Springdale & Farmington, AR! 

Crooked teeth, a misaligned bite, and other issues with your teeth and jaw can affect your appearance, how you speak, and your oral health. In the past, there wasn’t much anyone could do, but thanks to modern orthodontics, you have a variety of treatment options like braces, clear aligner therapy, and more. If you have questions about what orthodontic specialists do or want to book a consultation, please reach out to us today!