How to Keep Your Smile Straight After Orthodontic Treatment


At Stroope Orthodontics, we offer a variety of straightening methods such as traditional metal braces, clear braces, and Invisalign®. But once your treatment is complete, what comes next?

Here are some important tips on how to keep your smile straight after orthodontic treatment!

Wear Your Retainer As Instructed

After your orthodontic treatment, your teeth will be straight. However, they need help staying in their new positions or they will start to shift again. This is called “relapsing.” To prevent relapsing, we'll fit you with an orthodontic retainer. There are two types: removable or permanent. 

If you get a removable retainer, you need to remember to wear it as instructed and to take good care of it. If we recommend a permanent retainer, you don’t need to worry about taking it out. But keep in mind that permanent retainers can break. They can also make flossing trickier, so you’ll need to use a threader.

Whichever type of retainer you get, it’s important to follow our instructions to keep it clean.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Brushing and flossing may not affect your teeth’s alignment but they certainly affect your smile’s appearance. Thanks to the orthodontic treatment you went through, you’ll find brushing and flossing much easier now with straight teeth!

Brush at least twice a day for two minutes each time and floss once a day. Remember to brush your tongue, too! These habits help prevent gum disease and tooth decay from damaging your new smile.

You should also keep up with professional cleanings and exams with a dentist every six months.

Consult with Stroope Orthodontics!

Even after your treatment, Dr. Stroope and our team are still here to help you maintain your new straight smile! We’re committed to giving and maintaining great results!

If anything happens to your retainer, please contact our Farmington or Springdale location as soon as you can and let us know if you have any additional questions.