How Long Do I Have to Wear My Clear Aligners?


Clear aligner therapy is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that offers patients a wide array of benefits. From their subtle appearance to their on average faster treatment times, they make it as easy as ever to achieve a straighter smile. Here’s what you need to know about clear aligner therapy!

What Is Clear Aligner Therapy?

Clear aligner therapy is an advanced orthodontic treatment that utilizes clear, retainer-like trays to straighten teeth in two-week increments. The aligners are swapped out every two weeks and patients continue this process until they have reached the completion of their treatment.  

Clear Aligner Therapy Treatment Time

Just like any other orthodontic method, treatment times vary on a case-by-case basis. However, on average, clear aligner therapy has shorter treatment times compared to traditional metal braces. Also, with clear aligner therapy, patients no longer have to make frequent trips to the orthodontist. You will receive multiple trays at a time and will only have quick check-ins with your orthodontist to monitor your progress. If you’re looking for fast results, ask your orthodontist if clear aligner therapy is the quickest way for you to achieve your smile goals!

Subtle Appearance

Clear aligner therapy offers a clear alternative for patients looking to straighten their smiles. No more noticeable metal braces! Many put off straightening their teeth because they don’t want to spend a year or more with a mouth full of metal. More often than not, young adults and working adults lean towards clear aligner therapy so that they can straighten their smiles without the stigma associated with traditional braces. 

Clear Aligner Therapy at Stroope Orthodontics

At Stroope Orthodontics, we offer a variety of orthodontic treatments. If you’re looking to straighten your smile, we’d love to help you find a treatment option that best fits your needs! Our mission is to empower patients and give them the information they need to make the best choices for their oral healthcare. If you have any questions about clear aligner therapy, please contact our office