Do Braces Hurt?


As with any other dental procedure, our patients interested in braces are often apprehensive about the amount of pain they’ll have to endure throughout the treatment. In this post, we’ll tell you what to expect when you get braces. 

Getting Braces

Prior to getting braces, some patients may need spacers between their teeth, which can cause some pain or sensitivity. When it comes time to get your braces fitted, the procedure should be pretty painless, although you may experience some discomfort while the orthodontist is working on your mouth. 

Do Braces Hurt? 

While the process of getting braces is a just bit uncomfortable, if anything, you may begin to experience some pain soon after the braces have been fitted. In approximately the first week of having braces, it’s common to experience sore gums, scrapes and sores on the inside of the cheek, and sore teeth, especially when eating. The pain will not persist long term, as your mouth will soon adjust to the treatment. 

Tightening the Braces

Every month or so, the orthodontist will need to tighten your braces. This process may include replacing wires, tightening springs, or tightening bands. As a result, there may be some pain and sensitivity to the teeth and gums, but you’re not likely to have cuts or scrapes to the side of the mouth. 

Braces Removal 

When it’s finally time for your braces to be removed, you shouldn’t expect a painful procedure. Like the initial fitting, there may be some discomfort during the process, but it won’t be painful. 

Braces in Farmington & Springdale, Arkansas 

Looking for a straighter smile? Here at Stroope Orthodontics, you can trust us to keep you comfortable and leave you with a perfect smile. To get started, contact us by phone or through our website to book your consultation appointment.